Online Banking Security Policy


Homeland Community Bank considers customer information security a main concern. It is of utmost importance for us to protect you personal information when you are online to our web site. Therefore, we go to great lengths to insure that your transactions are confidential and secure by using the latest technology and abiding by all regulations set forth by our industry. The procedures we have in place include password and firewall protection, as well as a 128-bit key Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to keep you information confidential.


The most important way of protecting your Internet Banking transactions is by your USER ID and Password. Be sure to keep them a secret. Memorize them and, if you need to maintain written record of the codes, it is recommended that you store them in a secure place away from your computer and not in your wallet or purse. Always make sure no one is watching you enter the information and always log off the On-line Banking web site whenever you are away from your computer (click the log out button). If your computer is left unattended and the browser is running with your USER ID and Passwords entered, anyone can get access to your accounts. You are required to change your password every 90 days and do not use simple words or numbers in sequence. It is recommended that you use upper case and lower case letters and numbers and use symbols that are unique to you. Stay away from obvious words and numbers, like a family member’s name or birthday.


Communication through a browser with the ability to encrypt is a must. Homeland Community Bank requires the highest form of encryption, a 128-bit encryption browser to access our Internet Banking System. All traffic following the initial connection is encrypted using a key and an encryption algorithm. This method of encrypted communication is performed by the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Customers can be confident that Homeland Community Bank has taken extreme measures to offer the most secure connection possible for our customers. 

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